DDP Yoga Private Lessons

Schedule Private Lessons With Michael

DDP Yoga, also known as DDPY, combines the best of yoga, old-school calisthenics, sports rehabilitation therapy, and dynamic resistance to create one of the most effective fitness plans in existence today.

Do you live in Philadelphia and are interested in a private lesson at your residence? Email Michael at michael@michaelcavacini.com to schedule a private lesson today. All ages and fitness levels are welcome!

About Michael

Michael is Philadelphia’s first certified DDP Yoga instructor. He has been doing DDP Yoga for nearly 20 years, logging hundreds of hours in the program. Diamond Dallas Page, the former world champion professional wrestler who developed DDP Yoga, taught Michael how to do the program in person. Michael also took part in seven classes over the course of five days at the DDP Yoga Performance Center in Smyrna, Georgia.

What is DDP Yoga?

The main benefits of DDP Yoga are body fat loss, lean muscle growth, and improved cardiovascular performance, without placing undue stress on the joints. DDP Yoga is currently used by the NFL Alumni Association, professional wrestlers, MMA fighters, and regular, everyday people who want to perform at optimum levels and place themselves in the best position possible to improve their quality of life.

Arthur Boorman’s DDP Yoga Transformation

Arthur Boorman’s incredible transformation story (above) proves that not only can almost anyone do DDP Yoga, but that hard work and persistence can lead to incredible results.