Bloganuary: Doritos

Today’s Bloganuary post is based on the prompt: “What snack would you eat right now?” My answer is Doritos! Why? Read on.

Doritos have always been my favorite chip. There’s a multitude of flavors. However, the two best are still Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch. I’d argue that Cool Ranch is the king because it has an irresistible taste that cannot be denied.

Doritos are the perfect snack for lunch, alone, or watching a movie. Speaking of movies, the scene from the 1980s film Little Monsters, where Fred Savage’s character traps Howie Mandel (the monster under his bed) with a perimeter of Doritos, is clever and hilarious. I’m convinced this scene was product placement before we knew what it was.

Some might call Doritos a guilty pleasure because they aren’t healthy. I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. You should never be embarrassed to say you enjoy something in life. No one says that ice cream is a guilty pleasure. If something brings you pleasure, let the world know!

Did you know they now have organic Doritos? Yes, this is true, and they are fabulous. So, if you want to get your fix and feel a little better about it, this might be the option for you. But if you’re eating regular Doritos, I won’t judge — just make sure you bring a bag for me.

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