Tactical Espionage Action Galore in Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 for Xbox

The Metal Gear series, with its storied legacy, has taken a significant hiatus since 2018’s Metal Gear Survive. Enter Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1, a celebration of all things Metal Gear. Despite some peculiar design choices, this compilation aims to bring the iconic series back to the forefront of gaming.

A Showcase of Metal Gear Classics

This collection spotlights the first three Metal Gear Solid games and foundational Metal Gear titles, including the NES version and the ‘unofficial’ Snake’s Revenge. Beyond games, including tie-in media like soundtracks, screenplays, master books, graphic novels, and VR missions enhances the comprehensive Metal Gear experience.

Segregation Woes

However, the collection’s primary flaw lies in its organizational approach. The absence of a dedicated launcher creates a disjointed feel, with separate achievement lists and UI icons for each game. The repetitive inclusion of the master book across titles further adds to this disconnect.

Timeless Gameplay, Familiar Yet Impactful

Despite these issues, the essence of the Metal Gear Solid trilogy remains captivating. The groundbreaking narratives, cinematic influences, and social commentary continue to shape the gaming landscape. These classics, with their solid stealth action gameplay, showcase the series’ impact on the medium.

Odd Design Choices and Technical Limitations

The playable versions stay true to their origins, sometimes to a fault. While MGS 1 runs at 30fps, MGS 2 and 3 deliver a smoother 60fps experience. The absence of 4K support, even on Xbox Series X|S, may disappoint some, but including region-specific features is a commendable nod to preservation.

Quirky Nostalgia and Hidden Gems

Design choices like controller configurations pay homage to the originals, creating an enjoyable sense of nostalgia. The compilation’s physical version even incorporates a Codec code on the back, a charming callback to the game’s roots.

The Final Verdict

Despite questionable design choices and a lack of graphical enhancements, Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 brings together timeless classics. If you can overlook organizational quirks and technical limitations, this collection is an unmissable journey into the iconic world of Metal Gear.

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