Bloganuary: What I’m Most Scared to Do

Today’s Bloganuary post is based on the prompt: “What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?” Read on for my answer.

I’m not scared to do anything. Well, at least anything that matters. You won’t find my skydiving or bungee jumping anytime soon. I’m trying to stay alive as long as possible.

If there’s something I want to do, I do it. That’s why I’ve been able to interview countless celebrities for my website, pursue advanced educational degrees, start an in-person video game meetup group, get certified to teach DDP Yoga, and more. I’m not afraid because I know I will succeed if I put in the effort.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m slowly writing a book about the first 20 years of TNA Wrestling. Would I like to finish it much faster? Of course! But am I scared I won’t finish it? No, because I won’t allow that to happen. I will finish and publish my book, and it will be amazing.

Being fearless is essential for success. If I were scared of doing something important, I’d be preventing my happiness and success, and I wouldn’t allow that to happen. You shouldn’t, too.

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