Diamond Dallas Page: Relentless Movie Trailer

Michael with the founder of DDP Yoga, Diamond Dallas Page.

Have you watched the Diamond Dallas Page documentary Relentless? Check out the movie trailer below to see what it’s all about, and watch the full documentary here.

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Movie Review: Relentless


Nearly two years ago I interviewed Diamond Dallas Page, the founder of DDP Yoga (DDPY) and a legend in the professional wrestling industry. It was an amazing discussion that resulted in a series of events: we became friends, I stayed at Dallas’ house for a week a few months later, he taught me DDPY at the largest workshop ever, and I became Philadelphia’s first-ever certified DDPY instructor, among other wonderful opportunities. If you want to get to know Diamond Dallas Page better and learn all about DPPY and why it’s so special, I implore you to watch his newly released documentary, Relentless, which is available on Amazon Prime Video.

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Review: DDP Yoga Bonus! & Extreme 3.0 DVDs


Recently, two new DDP Yoga DVD sets were released: DDPY Bonus! and Extreme 3.0. A significant amount of people still prefer physical media over digital, so Dallas decided to give them some new content to enjoy. Collectively, these new DVD sets contain five DVDs and 23 new workouts—15 on DDPY Bonus! and 8 on Extreme 3.0. All of these workouts first appeared on the DDP Yoga Now app and are still available. They originally debuted on the DDP Yoga Now app as live workouts, but they have since been renamed—on the DVDs and the app—with fun, descriptive titles. Think of these DVD sets as a greatest hits collection of the best and most challenging live workouts from the DDP Yoga Now app, specifically targeted toward those who prefer the DVDs over the app or for DDPY fans who simply want to have a hard copy of some of their favorite live workouts. Below is my take on each DVD set, as well as names and descriptions for every workout you’ll find on DDPY Bonus! and Extreme 3.0.

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