Audible Review: Chain Saw Confidential

Joe Bob Briggs called The Texas Chain Saw Massacre the greatest movie ever made, and for nearly 50 years it has captured the imagination of fans worldwide. Chain Saw is one of the most influential and profoundly impactful horror movies of all time. It’s raw, gritty vibe and unrelenting willingness to make the viewer feel uncomfortable is what set it apart from the competition at the time and why it remains a timeless piece of celluloid. Gunnar Hansen played the iconic Leatherface in Chain Saw, and, thankfully, two years before passing away from pancreatic cancer at the age of 68, he put pen to paper and wrote a book all about the legendary movie to which he was inextricably attached. Even better than this, Gunnar Hansen chose to narrate the audiobook version of his book, Chain Saw Confidential, which is an Audible Original.

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