‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

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Best of Bloganuary 2023

In January, I took part in a WordPress challenge called Bloganuary. Every day for 31 days, I received a writing prompt to inspire me to write a post for that day, which I did. During those 31 days, I sang a song for you, wrote a poem, shared childhood memories, offered advice and aspirations, and much more. Below are what I consider to be the best of Bloganuary in no particular order. Thank you to those who read my posts and engaged with them. I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this greatest hits retrospective of this fun writing challenge.

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Poem: It’s Just The Rain

clear glass window with moist effect
Photo by Aleksandr Slobodianyk on Pexels.com

Today, as part of Bloganuary, I’m going to share a poem I just wrote about rain called “It’s Just The Rain.” I find rain comforting, especially within the confines of a heated house. How about you? Share your thoughts on my poem below, and let me know what you think of rain.

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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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What My Father Means To Me

Me and DadNearly 10 years ago, for my Father’s 50th birthday party, I wrote and read a poem to convey his importance to me. I recently came across this poem and decided to share it with you. However, being a better writer now than I was then, I made some revisions. Here you go:

What My Father Means To Me

What my Father means to me, I can’t find the words to say.

He does so many things, each and every day.

A kiss goodbye, a kiss hello, these are just a few ways he lets his love show.

When I was ill, as a little boy, Daddy would cheer me up with a brand-new toy.

Going to the hospital one night, with Christmas near, I asked my Father, “Will Santa still appear?”

Turning to me, with a loving smile, he said, “Don’t worry, Dad. We’ll be home in a little while”

You’ve allowed me to be myself, to fly high and free.

You saw that special someone, deep inside of me.

I’ve treasured the years we’ve had and anticipate the ones to come.

I will love you forever, and I’m proud to be your son.

Christmas Day


The barren streets are filled with snow.

The aroma of pines, wines and homemade treats hang in the air.

Through frosted panes of glass, lights are gleaming and hearts are beaming.

One and all come together to spread love and good cheer.

Gifts are given, tales are told, while memories are created between young and old.

Thanksgiving: Count Your Blessings

While we should always be thankful for what we have and those that love us, now is the perfect time to reflect on this. With this in mind, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite songs: “Count Your Blessings.” Below are the lyrics and a video of Barry Manilow’s beautiful rendition of the song. Happy Thanksgiving!

Count Your Blessings

When I’m worried and I can’t sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings
When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
Then one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds
So if you’re worried and you can’t sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings

And I fall asleep counting my blessings

I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
Then one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds
So if you’re worried and you can’t sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings

New Day


Sunlight pierces the curtains; sheets are pulled back, and feet hit the floor.

Daybreak brings stretching, sustenance and song.

Water is splashed; a shirt is shrugged on, and fingers run through hair.

Holes are buttoned, laces tightened and a belt is fastened.

One final glance; the door opens.

It’s a new day.

Poem: Music

Day after day, you fill my life with hope and carry me away.

You’re an enchanting enigma, and I’m spellbinded by your complexity.

When I’m down, you make me smile. And sometimes I can’t get you off my mind.

You’re infectious and magical. I peel back your layers and continue to learn something new.

You fill me with elation and embody my soul. A life without you isn’t worth living, for you make me whole.

You make me laugh, cry and chill me to the bone. As long as we’re together, I know I’m home.

Our love affair is 27 years old, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. You’re profoundly beautiful…you’re my everything.